Chakra Set


Crystal Chakra set, with pouch.

Standard postage and packaging included in price.

We do not offer international shipping.

Crystals bought for courses may be collected on the day.



Each set contains:

Base Chakra  – Jasper ( known as ‘the supreme nurturer’), protects against negativity, balances the Ying and Yang and helps the allowance of celebrating situations of isolation.


Sacral Chakra Carnelian – Protects against envy, fear, rage and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure.


Solar Plexus ChakraOrange Clacite -Promotes happiness and joy, increases vitality. Balances the emotions and releases feelings of fear and anxiety.


Heart ChakraGreen Chert  A stone of happiness and self confidence. Brings compassion and strength of heart.


Throat ChakraBlue Howlite – Improves communication. Reduces stress and anxiety.


Brow Chakra – ApitateStimulates the intellect and promotes realisation that ones strength occurs though both spiritual avenues and via love; hence, dissolving aloofness and negativity, a ‘stone of the future’ and will bring knowledge to those attuned to it by clearing mental confusion.


Crown ChakraAmethystA ‘stone of spirituality and contentment’, facilitates transmutation of lower energies into the higher frequencies of both the spiritual and ethereal levels, a ‘stone of meditation’, allows for the integration of cause and effect.

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