Massage Training in Norfolk

Can Reflexology help with stress?
ā€œIā€™m so stressed at the moment. Somebody said that Reflexology could help.ā€

This is pretty much the ideal client! And there will never be a shortage of stressed people, unfortunately.

But how does Reflexology help in these cases? When somebody is chronically stressed they have become so used to living in a state of stress that they need prompting to get out of the stress/exhaustion cycle before it has a very detrimental effect on their day-to-day life, and this is where our work can be very useful.

The full Reflexology routine works every reflex on the feet to give a full treatment of the whole body. Our secret techniques to calm our client include a sequence of relaxation movements at the start, during and at the end of the session, as well as work on the solar plexus reflex and diaphragm, to encourage the slowing and regulation of the breath.

By working slowly, gently and calmly, a great reduction in stress can be seen during the very first treatment.
Ingrid Perrin

Reflexology for Beginners workshop: Saturday May 12th in Eye, Suffolk
Reflexology Level 3 ITEC Diploma starts in Autumn 2018 in Norwich

Please email us with any enquiries or enrol directly through the website

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